First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
City *
State *
Date of Birth (ex. 03/01/1993) * For verification purposes only pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 2256 et seq
Cell Phone *
Alternate Phone *
Gender *
Height *
Weight *
Your Facebook URL (ex.
Current Job Title *
What industry do you work in? *
Do you have any immediate family members who also struggle with their weight? If so, please list their names, ages, and relationship to you. *
Why do you want to be on The Biggest Loser? *
What is the toughest obstacle you've ever had to overcome? *
Please upload a clear and recent photo of your FACE. *
How did you hear about the casting for The Biggest Loser? Please Be Specific: (i.e. Today Show, Craigslist...etc.)? *
Please upload a clear and recent FULL BODY shot of yourself.